Very beautiful sentiment and imagery here about the sun. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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Thank you for taking the time to be here today Kathryn, and for sharing your words - wonderful to connect with you! Sez

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So happy to hear what you will be speaking about in the coming year, it’s exactly what I’m needing, thank you

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Thank you for sharing, Teresa - I'm beyond grateful to have you here, and to have the chance to get to know you over the coming year. I feel like it will be a significant year for us all, so thank you for having me along for the ride. Sez

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I absolutely loved listening to this as I moved slowly this morning. Thank you🥰 thank you for sharing your thoughts and heart. You are such a blessing to me. I look forward to continue to feel held by your words in the upcoming year. I wish you many blessings. May we never lose sight of the sun ✨⛅

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Thank you for your words, dear Blaire - what an honor it is to share the resonance with you! Sez

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Remembering Wild is the place I didn’t know I was looking for--feels like it just popped up along this path inward. Filled with “a ha” surprises like a walk in the woods.

Looking forward to all the connections we’ll discover in 2024❤️

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Same here, Natalie! Thank you for your ongoing support this year and I'm excited to continue this journey with you, no matter what 2024 has in store for us x

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Thank you. Your words seem to be perfectly timed for my life experiences. The poetry and images speak to me and bring me peace. 🙏🙏thank you for connecting with us. Wishing you well in the upcoming year.

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Wishing you all the best too, Rosie - thank you for your kind words and for taking the time to be here. Until we connect again, take care my friend. Sez

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Connection is what I am needing; connection to people who are questioning, digging deeper and on the path of awakening. It can be a lonely experience. To be able to connect with you Sez and hear your wisdom and to read what others experience helps me with my inner struggles knowing I am not alone. Blessings in 2024 to you and all in this community. 🙏☀️🌖💜

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So honored to have you here Anne - if you are seeking others who are asking the deepest questions life can offer...you’ve come to the right place. I’m entirely with you in that longing and just so glad you’re here to contribute your individual experience to this space. Happy new year and we’ll be in touch soon!

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I am always soothed by your melodic calming voice. Wondering what the coming year will bring, and hoping there is resolve in a calm way with so many current events that worry me. Then I remember that I can work on my little corner, my life, my growth, and hope that it inspires and creates a light for others to grow from. You are part of that inspiration and motivation in my owning that. Thank you.

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Oh I love this Olga. What an astute way to put a voice to something we all feel. Yes, tending to our own corner and yes, to this small act being a fire for others to warm themselves by. Thank YOU.

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I am so grateful to be part of this unfolding, intentional community. Thank you, Sez. This space and you all will continue to be my companions. ♥️✨🦋🙏🏼🪷

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How lucky we are to have found each other Trish!x

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"Awakening is an unremarkable event that leads to the most remarkable life".

I'm standing under the moon to my left and the sun my right, with what I feel a deeper understanding of something important, while being in the midst of it all in my life.

I will see you in 2024. I see you now, and always. Thank you, dearest Sez.

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I like how we’ve always known something- but how it has taken a lifetime to understand it. Thank you for your words Roman.

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My inbox fills with emails and I see yours unopened until I can be alone unto myself. When I open it that becomes my time my precious moment...sometimes one tear sometimes a few. Always a healing. Thank you Sez

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This is wonderful to hear and just what I’d hope each newsletter would offer. I hope to amplify it even more this year, so excited to journey with you Stacy!

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Listened just now as I’ve found some alone time. Thank you for all your beautiful words in the last year and I continue to look forward to everything that will come through you in the next one 🙏🏻🌟 Your words always bring me closer to my heart and therefore to everyone else’s. ♥️

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