Apr 18, 2023Liked by Sez Kristiansen

We are

By accident


Our breath

Our guide

Our universe


And we sing

As we sew

The debris

Into the fabric

Of our dream

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Absolutely love this Matthew 🙏🏼

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Loosen the threads, thank you 🙏

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Sez Kristiansen

“But when I return to the simple arts in life, the simple ways of being in my environment, the simplest ways of being in relationship with my body - I return to my deep self. I no longer question my rootlessness, my mental health, my inability to be a participant in the world… I just am, and I’m profoundly whole because of it.”

This spoke to me on such a deep level, when I return to the simple arts, surrender my thoughts and worries, I feel like I am a puzzle that has been put back together. In quiet solitude, I am able fill the well that is depleted from all of the external distractions. Thank you as always, for your words, your voice and for sharing your love with this community. You are nourishment for my soul. 💗

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Thank you Amy, what a treasure you are and I'm so appreciative of the time you take to respond as it connects us all in resonance. Simplicity is our lost art I believe. And it's such a visceral experience when we do connect with its depths. I'm dedicating my life to its teachings in this world that has so much information!x

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Apr 17, 2023Liked by Sez Kristiansen

Sez ... You articulated the very words that I have been seeking in my own story. Thank you for your beautiful poetry and meditations. They always speak to me on such a personal, soul level. Keep up the beautiful work.

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Thank you for your kind words of support Melissa, it's wonderful to have you here and I hope we can keep connecting through the different themes in this space. Take care dear friend ♥️

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Sez Kristiansen

I found you through insight timer and just subscribed here as well. You are a gift to humanity and I am grateful to have your words as guidance. ❤️

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I am the grateful one, Jennifer! Without you, this work would be lost in the wind so thank you for giving it a place to rest within you. Looking forward to getting to know you a little better through this space! Take care, Sez

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Sez Kristiansen

Sez, you have an incredible gift to craft such a beautiful and heartfelt message! It is just what I need! I have listened multiple times to try and absorb its essence. ❤️🌺

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I'm so grateful for the time you give these words, Amy. Thank you, always. Have a wonderful day and hope to connect with you again in a few days x

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by Sez Kristiansen

Good morning dear Sez and community 🌞 As always, not just the soulful wisdom of your words, but also the gift of your gentle voice, sweep through my mind like a paintbrush as I listen. I’m returned to the simplicity of just being, quietly observing the sweet and earthy imagery of my own inner nature being illuminated in colorful brushstrokes.

“But when I return to the simplest art in life...” This was a call to action (again) for me. For a child who was never allowed to “just be” who I was, and who lived in a constant state of “self-modification” and “pleasing” for fear of abandonment, I have found it is the golden key to the place where my true peace and wholeness reside, and I forget it’s just there.

This quote, “Spiritual and emotional recovery are possible because the human brain is a living organ that we can transform by making new choices and being in non-shaming recovery-based environments.

Christopher Dines”, is a powerful affirmation for me that my choice to create a “shame-free environment” for myself, by putting distance between myself and the the source, is the right choice for me, no matter the intruding voices of well-meaning others with all their “shoulds”, and for as long as is needed to solidify the new neural pathways I’m forging.

Thank you, dear Sez 🌺

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I just love this Shanda, thank you for taking a moment to share. I like the way you've taken that quote and made it about an ability within you. Creating distance is powerful beyond words and allows shame to be kept at bay. Well said and well lived my friend!x

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Sez Kristiansen

Hello Sez and community... My morning routine, especially now when the early hours in the desert are still cool is to sit in my backyard and listen to the migratory birds. I’ve set out a couple of feeders and bird bath and they seem to enjoy the space.

I also replay Monday’s reflection from you as the daily digestion always provides something meaningful.

As always, this week’s recording has enriched my spirit and carried my through my days.

I too have felt that grain being rubbed by external or old ghost forces that I allow in. It slips through the cracks of my unhealed nature. What your words and reflections have allowed me to do is to see the “I” of “me” differently, lovingly, and to direct energy toward compassion and surrender.

Each day for me is a practice to sit (even for a few minutes at a time) in simplicity, remind myself that my thoughts are not my identity, and to expand my drinking in of beauty- around me and within me.

Virtual hugs to you Sez... blessings and light shine upon you, my friend. ✨🫶🏻🤗

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Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to be a part of your world Trish. Drinking in beauty is just the most potent way to be in the world, I love your words. The meaning you find in this work is just a reflection of your own ability to make meaning out of this life so thank you for allowing me to mirror back your own wisdom. Take care dear friend ♥️

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by Sez Kristiansen

Wonderful guide and refreshingly clear

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You are deeply appreciated :) ❤️

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deletedApr 17, 2023Liked by Sez Kristiansen
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And to you Karen. I hope you have a wonderful day full of peace and ease. Thank you for listening my friend ♥️

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I saw Toronto and immediately my heart smiled. I grew up between Summer Hill and St Clair and would get so excited when I saw my first Robin each spring pulling worms from the soil. Robins probably live there year round now with climate change. I know they do here in Providence. My very first garden was a tiny patio that faced south in a studio apt. In the Annex. That was where my deep love of plants began. Have a wonderful evening.

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