Remembering Wild
Remembering Wild
Remembering the wisdom of endings

Remembering the wisdom of endings

Learning the way of necessary endings

Dear Wild-Hearted Community,

Today's first Remembering Wild episode is about necessary endings and how I have come to learn the ways of letting go through the small deaths that life provides us.

Ep.01 Remembering the wisdom of endings

We always begin the process of returning to ourselves before we are ready, before we are strong enough, before we know enough, before we know how to speak the language, before we know the answers, before we know exactly to whom we are speaking.

You may not feel ready to take that leap into the wild unknown right now - but the soul has a plan for you, and to learn to surrender to these necessary changes will allow your wiser Heart to take you where you long to go.

Like the fire-damaged eucalyptus trees, with just one small piece of their roots intact, so too do you need just a small piece of you rooted in the underworld in order to survive these times.

From a hike in the Ku-ring-gai national park named after the traditional custodians of the land, the Guringai Aboriginal people.

I hope you find a quiet place to consume this episode and please leave your own experiences, comments, or questions in the space below.

Thank you for being here, and for being the reason this work gets to exist in the world.

Love Sez

Points from the episode to take with you:

Answer these questions in your own journal, silently within yourself, or in the comments below.

  • Endings are initiations. With the help of your resilience, patience, and surrender, these endings become the soil from which you grow stronger. How do you see endings? What do you associate with them?

  • The Heart is the epicenter of renewal - allow what ends to exit the Heart and what needs to be reborn through it again. What needs to exit your life through love so something new can be rebirthed?

  • If you want the trajectory of your life to change - the amount of responsibility usually has to change too. Are you willing to be fully responsible for your own joy, peace, and freedom?

  • What you risk - reveals what you value. If you risk something you don't value, it's unlikely to offer you something greater in return. How often do you risk what you love?

  • If you have only one tender tendon still earthed, still connected to the other world, to the Spirit, the Heart - then you will survive these times. What is your rooting practice (an act that connects you to your Creator/Source/God/Nature?)

  • You don’t need a thriving spiritual practice to feel whole, to feel at ease, to feel alive - All you need is a little - just a moment of conscious breath, a moment in nature, a little time to yourself and you can feel it all. It’s like an underground well - the depth of it can be reached from a small crack in the surface. What misperceptions do you hold about the ‘perfect practice’?

  • To become resilient is to allow deaths in your life to occur without believing that it is the end of you. How much of your identity is attached to an unchangeable ideal?

  • Whatever changes you want to make in your life - be prepared to take more responsibility, be prepared to ignite the flame of destruction that will burn down what you know.

  • Know that your endurance is what makes the death of old ways just a passage -not an ending - because as you continue, so too does the new take its place.

  • The purpose of all life is to become. To allow yourself to become who you were meant to be - know that change is the most important factor of growth. How do you meet changes in your life?


Download the workbook - 2022 Intentions

Rw 2022 Intentions January 2022
219KB ∙ PDF file

When we wish to manifest anything in our lives, we are really looking to feel a certain way. In order to feel a certain way - we must learn to let go of what is stopping us from encountering that feeling.

These are what I call the ability to allow little deaths to occur in our lives so that they can nourish the seeds of our manifestations. It is because of their debris that we are able to bloom.

This PDF is copied from my own journal. I wanted to visualize the act of nourishing a seed through acknowledging the small deaths to the ego that needs to occur. Start from question 1 and answer all 5 questions. You can use these pages throughout the year to check in on your intentions.


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Remembering Wild
Remembering Wild
Remember your wild and intrinsic Wholeness through meditation, poetry & nature-based metaphor. Pledge your support and receive all the audios and the Wild Heart patron thread every week.