Sez Kristiansen
The Private Podcast
On healing the grapevine

On healing the grapevine

No.7 // Home is...finding your original voice
a bunch of grapes hanging from a vine

Imagine a velvety voice speaking to you. Its tone is the quality of a perfectly tuned heart. It whispers for you to come home.

But that inner whisper passes through the body before reaching you. The body is a grapevine, changing the soul’s original message ever so slightly before it finally lands up with you in the form of a thought.

And because thought is a filter of our collective psyche and has its own flavor of trauma, it ends up telling you that you are not home.

Come home and you are not home…are two messages that are subtle in their differences but detrimental in their effect on our lives.

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Sez Kristiansen
The Private Podcast
Remember your wild and intrinsic Wholeness through meditation, poetry & nature-based metaphor. Pledge your support and receive all the audios and patron thread every week.