Sez, this—every bit of it—connected. Thank you for sharing so bravely, beautifully the moment in space of our vulnerability & openness…where Grace enters the picture.

And your eloquence in articulating the way of things—That not everyone understands this space, maybe never will. Acceptance is the way.

Such a gift, truly.

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I'm always keen to see how it lands with you Natalie, thank you for making time to respond. I hope many unexpected doors open for you in your life...I have a feeling they already have ❤️

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Jun 27Liked by Sez Kristiansen

Dear Sez, this is absolutely beautiful ❤️ I have tremendous gratitude for you as you gracefully articulate what my heart and soul yearn to hear. The door of Grace in which the only key I hold to open it is surrender. So profound and beautiful. Much love to you 💕

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Wonderful Anne! It's an honor to know our journey's weave in and our of each others. Thank you for reciprocating ❤️

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Thus one got me too, Anne.

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Jun 27Liked by Sez Kristiansen

Wow. The doorway to my own Secret Garden, I hear my song. Entering, Grace gives a simple gentle nod, like a breath I just remembered to exhale. To be ‘apprentice of uncertainty’, an apprentice to my sacred magician.

Your words so magically alchemize the light within me. Into Gold. Not for the more valued currency, yet for the knowing of what beauty and brilliance can be created within.

I am in the garden with Saint Hildegard hearing my song reminding me in her words ‘the human soul is symphonic’.

In the space inside, here grace begins to pause before her work continues. A pause in gratitude for you Sez, for your magic you give in alchemizing words to gold and honey. I can feel its warmth, its purity, its love.

Thank you with love

You are magic.

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It means the world to me that you feel resonance here, Linda. Thank you from sincerity for taking the time to listen and respond. I've just looked up Saint Hildegard, as I was not aware of her. Glad to read about the life of such a creative woman ahead of her time, thank you! ❤️

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It means the world to me that you feel resonance here, Lina. Thank you from sincerity for taking the time to listen and respond. I've just looked up Saint Hildegard, as I was not aware of her. Glad to read about the life of such a creative woman ahead of her time, thank you! ❤️

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Jun 27Liked by Sez Kristiansen

What was it you said ? Pry the body from the stone step ,and the depression it has made there, whilst waiting for the door to open, waiting is a skill worth honing, action its complimentary force . Thank goodness we have WiFi while we wait :) ❤️❤️❤️thank you

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Haha! Thank goodness, indeed Matthew...patience has never been so entertaining! :)

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Sez, how grateful I am that you’ve been on this journey with me. You’ve always articulated what resonates directly with my soul, and this is no exception.

I do feel that surrender has knocked and Grace has opened the door to my soul, looking me squarely in the eye and not asking if I’m ready, but assuring me of my readiness.

Yes, it is the beginning, the liminal space I occupy of an exciting and uncertain journey.

In March of 2025 my lease will be up, and I’ll put the few belongings I have left into storage (a great purge happened after my recent divorce).

In May of 2025 I will finally have earned my doctorate and my youngest of 4 children will graduate high school. She has plans to move to Maine, and I have no idea where I will be or what I will be doing. I would love to spend a few years abroad teaching. Where, I do not know.

But what I’m learning by crossing the threshold of Grace’s door is that no matter where I am, I am home. In me.

The surrender is a surrender to Self and Divine Love. Coming home.

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Oh, Sez, Yes! I am so fortunate, so lucky, so grateful, for Grace.

All that hurt, all worth it. If anything had felt good, I . . . simply would have played the "board game" as presented to me. (I'm so thankful that I was NOT a good player!)

But as it was, Heart stretched, stretched, stretched, and ripped open. And then . . . I received the Gift of Life and Love.

Then Signs, Signs, Signs on the Path to Me - so obvious, but not what I would be looking for, or the world would understand. Or allow, without judgment.

And then over a weekend recently, a last few key moments, some hard, I got to a place. Knowing in my Heart what I Know, I just said YES - no questions, conditions, reservations, etc. - to everything that was in my Heart. It was quite a moment, the stepping up to be commissioned, stepping into Me, quite formal, in fact.

To accept the Gift of Me, which I give to the World, the Universe, with gladness, serving as Me, and as only I can, in fact, serve.

I can't wait to hear about Denmark!

Thank you for serving as a sort of Mistress of the Wilderness - the paths we must walk are ours, but you have wisdom about the fields and forests. And you manage to render into words what floats for me in feelings and images.

Thank you!

Much love.

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"Our highest act of free will, is surrender". My most resonate take-away from this incredible piece.

Grace.... has shown me compassion; not just for myself, not even mostly for myself... but more, for all that humanity has to overcome in order to be sane and whole... to see the miracle we are. May grace lead us all home. Bless you Sez. 🙏🏽✨️

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Dear Sez - Listening to your words full of meaning and longing, I’m realizing I am lonely for friends, missing those who have moved away and those who have passed. I’m standing at a threshold and on the other side is grace. I need to believe in that. Thank you always.


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