Remembering Wild
Remembering Wild
All Hearts have a purpose right now

All Hearts have a purpose right now

Finding the Heart in fear

I always feel like I need to be a certain way to receive the news. Like perhaps I should be stronger, more knowledgeable, and sometimes I feel like the only way I can prove my humanity is to completely fall apart and hold what I see as if it were my own.

This, I know, helps no one. And diving into my own suffering so I can prove my compassion seems to only take away any power I would have to help.

It’s an old paradigm to try and cure suffering with suffering. This we all know. On both an individual level and a global one.

So if you are feeling fear right now, that’s so ok - but an exasperated sense of it might not be serving you, your community, or the collective consciousness we are trying to raise.

We need feet on earth, strong backs, and open hearts willing to both hold - and spill out Love.

Because all hearts have a purpose right now.


Remembering Wild
Remembering Wild
Remember your wild and intrinsic Wholeness through meditation, poetry & nature-based metaphor. Pledge your support and receive all the audios and the Wild Heart patron thread every week.