Sez Kristiansen
The Private Podcast
How to be Here // Part 4

How to be Here // Part 4

Meeting unwanted circumstances

Welcome to August’s patron-exclusive mini-series, How to be Here - Returning to Peace Through Presence. Next week, I’ll share my own story of being here and what it means to no longer live apart from what is - no matter what is. I look forward to spending time responding to your comments and questions. I’m so happy that you’re here! Love Sez

It’s not our circumstances we impose perfection on – it’s ourselves.


One of the greatest challenges in being here is the circumstances in which here are experienced. Here can exist within the heart of loss, crisis, uncertainty, aging, failure, and heartbreak. Here can feel unsafe; a place intimately bound with inadequacy and fear, making it somewhere we spend most of our lives fighting against.

Whether our circumstances are imperfect, overwhelming, or dire, there often comes a sense of hopelessness with it. And this very visceral lack of sovereignty comes from wanting what is not here whilst pushing away what is. This internal and external friction creates a deep canyon within; one we rarely find our way out of without a little perspective.

We never truly win at the game of change through discontent, or acceptance through resentment - we merely go missing down the crevasses of our own lives.

This post is for paid subscribers

Sez Kristiansen
The Private Podcast
Remember your wild and intrinsic Wholeness through meditation, poetry & nature-based metaphor. Pledge your support and receive all the audios and patron thread every week.