Healing is not dependent upon words - but upon where those words point to, and in truth, they always point back to our own experience, our own body.
If we take a moment to reflect on where we’re heading, we’ll likely see that it’s towards embodying a certain word; happiness, peace, freedom, contentment - but this word alone cannot take us there.
Everything in our sensory experience comes with a subtle word attached to it. From the color blue to the sound of rain to the touch of tinsel. It’s all embedded with hidden layers of thought, meaning, and external influences.
Words can become our greatest inhibitor on the spiritual path because often we become more attached to a story than to the experience we are actually having.
Take the word, awareness. When we think of awareness as a word, we make it an object in our mind that becomes what we aim to achieve, forgetting it is just a representation – the original is found in our own experience. When we sit in meditation and try to touch upon what we’ve been told many times about awareness, it tends to become an idea we try to achieve rather than a direct investigation into our own experience.