Remembering Wild
Remembering Wild
1 practice for a 1000 decisions

1 practice for a 1000 decisions

The lost art of choosing wisely, a quick meditation

Hello, Dear Ones.

I hope you find yourself a little time and space to check in with yourselves today. How are you, really? What residue do you still feel in your body from last year? What would you like to make sacred today - presence, breath, tea?

I have a meditation to start your week off with. I know we are all trying to live with a little more purpose and intention, and the choices we make become the roads we walk. So how do we choose well, making sure our Hearts are our guiding principle?

Fear can corner us into making ego-based plans. Fear can also make us over-analyze which road will be the one less traveled, forcing us to choose between extremes. We all know those fairytales where two roads split in forest and one is lit with sunlight, draped in ripe fruit and accompanied by birdsong - vs, the dark thorn-shielded road where owls and wolves echo through baron trees.

Life just doesn’t make the right path for us that clear. And maybe there’s much to unlearn when it comes to our expectations of decisions being made for us.

For someone like myself who has always been lured by the beauty of choosing between extremes - I have found a practice that can help me see clearly when I feel unable to move forward with my life - and I hope it offers you too, a new perspective for when you feel torn between two roads.

Take care, be well, and I look forward to connecting with you again soon,


From today's episode:

Your body still knows 
how find its own way home. 

You are etched with maps 
upon the white of your bones 
that remind you of where you belong. 

Navigation is as intrinsic to you 
as it is to all nature beings 
and when you lose your way -
when you forget your ability 
to choose wisely -
you must learn to trust 
in a compass that came 
in the shape of a heart.

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Remembering Wild
Remembering Wild
Remember your wild and intrinsic Wholeness through meditation, poetry & nature-based metaphor. Pledge your support and receive all the audios and the Wild Heart patron thread every week.